
Tschumi, Transgressions


Unknown said...

You've finally found a copy. Is it everything you expected? I'm intrigued now. I photographed and filmed the cover building - savoie- after it was saved. well worth a visit if you're in Paris as there's a spiral spilling out from the ostensible square.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

ps. rather enjoyed the narrative/character perspective of Harems. And extra case study

Cressida Kocienski said...

The character of Harems is strict non-fiction, I'm not sure whether this is technically desecration, but it must out, and should lengthen, and imagine itself as fiction in order to process seriality and numbers.

I'm watching Hollis Frampton and reading The Sexual Life of Catherine M - [THAT is a text with an interesting relationship to space and numbers]...

Birgit said...



You seem to be interested in similar things..?