
On leaving

______Clear views faced forwards, wide to the horizon.
___There were bone-rimmed holes, milk-coloured, and rust-rimmed

_____________________________________________They built a shell

__Succulent eyes were pulled backwards through these burrows, and narrow architectures were popped away from limb by limb.

The crisp edges of doorways form fades.

____________________________ Now it is brittle

____________________________ brittle waiting to be ground down, or smashed into fine sand beaches amongst all the other husks coughed up on the shore

______________________________________________All movement had been lateral


Clear views faced forwards, wide to the horizon
There were rimmed holes, the rust-red eye-stalks of cannons watch blankly against blinkers

They built a shell knocked into the rocks and waited soft in the shadows for hard things to come and split them, flame licks and the mosquito whine of engines

Succulent eyes were pulled backwards through these burrows, and narrow architectures were popped away from limb by limb.

The crisp edges of doorways form fades.


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